Nostalgic jewellery fashions of the 90’s

  Dummy necklaces

Tried to suck them like a lollipop, but it was not the same. They felt far too hard against the teeth. 😦





Jelly/Gummy bracelets

You are guilty of owning one in every colour imaginable, aren’t you?



Bead bracelets

These were all the rage, and many came free with a lot of music and teen magazines back in the day.  braceletbead


Polly pocket clip on earrings.

I bet you are guilty of owning a pair of these too.


That’s until you got your ears pierced with studs like these..



   (I cant find these type of studs sold anywhere these days.)

Hologram & Mood rings


Edible Jewellery! 

You tried to wear them as long as possible throughout the day, but just couldn’t help succumb to that sugary goodness wrapped around your wrists.


And of course, not forgetting Ringpops!


  Your Mothers jewellery box!

As if you didn’t regularly have a snoop!


Remember all the beautiful treasures you would find and admire. It always contained rings like this ..



Ying & Yang style jewellery 


yin yang necklace metal

Star & Moon style jewellery


And of course, your pair or Argos earrings…



It’s breakfast time!

When breakfast was good! Long before ‘Too much sugar is bad for you’ was strewn across the media, and the sugar cuts were made to these cereals, our parents would freely let us trowel as much as we wanted of these sugary breakfast treats down our traps every morning.

The Kellogg’s variety pack



(Oooh decisions, decisions! Life was hard.)

Sugar Puffs


(Tasted better when soggy, right?)


Did you save as much chocolaty milk as you could while eating, so you could drink it at the end?


Golden Grahams & Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Who is responsible for stopping this amazing cereal combo??


Kellogg’s Frosties

They’re grrrreat!


Nestle Clusters

Saving all the clusters until the very end. I still do the same now.


And my all time favourite….

Lucky Charms

These were recently introduced back onto our (UK) shelves after a 20+ year absence. YESSS!!!


You weren’t cool in school unless you had these…

Stick on earrings.

Remember feeling annoyed when your favourite pink heart ones ran out, and you were left with some ugly green triangles? You were very lucky if you made it though the day with these still attached to you ears.


(Because Mum and Dad wouldn’t yet allow you to get your ears pierced)

Snap bracelets

These were great. All you and your friends had one in a different pattern and you would snap them back on your wrists, at least 100 times a day.  You were also pissed of when you decided to bend one back, to see what would happen. Big mistake! because that’s what made it lose it’s snap.


    (I can still hear the *snap* sound.)

The skipping rope

Popular in schools for many decades, the skipping rope gives people of all ages a feeling of nostalgia. But wait…  Do you remember the plastic skipping ropes which became very popular in the 90’s? They came in many different fluorescent colours.


(Not as easy to use as the rope ones, especially if it was windy outside)

Name headbands

All the girls had one of these. They were mostly sold at local markets and car boot sales, and they would usually be made in front of your eyes by the seller. Took hours to dry. I specifically remember poking the wet letters ever few minutes to check if it was dry yet. Little fingerprints in the letters were made. 😦


(It took a lot of willpower to try not to pick the letters off.)

Flip pops or Push pops

Oh yes! I believe these are actually still sold in many shops today.You were a total badass if you snuck a taste of these in class while the teacher wasn’t watching.  These were also very prone to getting fluff from your pockets stuck to them.



(Nobody ever liked the orange though.)


Spice Girls, football, and even animals of farthing wood. Remember how annoyed you felt when you opened a newly bought packet and realised you already had them? or how exited you were when the packet contained just 1 sticker you needed?




(Trade, anyone?)

Pogs & Slammers

You would never play with your shineys, as they were your favourite. Also, there was always that one kid who wouldn’t play fair, and would try cheat you out of your pogs.
